

在許多現代家庭中,廚房一直在穩步發展成為多功能空間。 經過幾個月的封鎖,我們的家需要滿足多種用途,既可作為工作場所、托兒所、社交中心等。

從歷史上看,廚房一直是一個唯一具有準備食物功能的房間。 因此,經典的英國廚房很少有奢華的裝飾,甚至很少考慮到美觀。 相反,功能是良好、樸素的英式廚房設計的核心。

但這並不意味著您的時代風格廚房需要完全放棄美學。 相反,繼承這項傳統並將其轉化為美麗的設計特徵。 實用的設計,例如開放式層架和懸掛式儲物櫃,可以為廚房設計增添功能和一定的魅力。

In many modern homes, kitchens have been steadily evolving into multi-functional spaces. After months of lockdown, our homes need to serve multiple purposes, as workplaces, nurseries, social hubs and more.

Historically, the kitchen has been a room whose sole function was food preparation. As a result, classic British kitchens rarely feature lavish finishes or even consider aesthetics. Instead, functionality is at the heart of good, unpretentious British kitchen design.

But that doesn’t mean your period-style kitchen needs to completely abandon aesthetics. Instead, take this tradition and turn it into a beautiful design feature. Practical features, such as open shelves and hanging storage cabinets, can add functionality and a certain charm to a kitchen design.